Block 7 – 10:45-11:45am – Saturday November 4:
Developing Successful Rec Leaders through Volunteerism (Amanda Zacharuk) – located in 133 Frank Kennedy
This presentation will highlight SFU Recreation’s unique organizational structure primarily composed of volunteers. Our “levels of leadership” model has benefits over traditional hierarchical organizations, and is grounded in experiential learning and mentorship. This model also helps foster staff bonding and social connections, which ensure that participants are greeted by eager and engaged recreation staff!
Intramural Round Table (Kyla Ray) – located in 136 Frank Kennedy
A facilitated group discussions for professionals and students working in intramural sport programming. A variety of topics will be explored so come prepared to speak to your knowledge on things such as best practices, trends, and the good and not so good in the world of intramural sports. Have a topic that you’d like to discuss? Forward your idea to [email protected] to ensure your topic is added to the agenda.
Do You Have a Plan? (Jared Ladobruk) – located in Active Living Centre Boardroom
To grow your business, you need a marketing plan. If done properly, your marketing plan will serve as your roadmap to help you grow your customer base and improve the success of your organization. This session will cover the fundamentals of building a marketing plan including identifying who your target customers are, how you will reach them and how you will retain them so that they repeatedly buy from you.