Block 1- 9:00-10:00am – Friday November 3:
Student Development and Networking (Grachella Garcia) – located in 133 Frank Kennedy
Making a great first impression is critical to the job search process and one of the most effective ways to tap into the hidden job market is through networking. What is your personal brand? What do you talk about? How do you meet the ones you want to establish a professional relationship with? Participants in this session will learn how to develop their brand, build and maintain contacts in their field, develop an effective elevator pitch and engage effectively in self-promotion. Come prepared to participate |
Active Health – An Alternative Prescription (Marc Pope) – located in 136 Frank Kennedy
The goal of the Active Health program is to provide, through exercise, an alternative treatment to medications or therapy for students with moderate to severe depression and/or anxiety. We encourage students to identify the active living gaps in their lifestyle and create a program which helps them sustain their physical activity levels upon completion of the program. Physicians often encourage healthier life styles for people diagnosed with depression and anxiety, however it is often very difficult to promote compliance, when lack of motivation and inability to focus are often symptoms. This is a program that provides tools to the care providers to prescribe exercise with a activity program that is highly attentive and individualized to the needs of the patient.
Are You Listening? (Bjorn Billehaug) – located in Active Living Centre Boardroom
How does your campus recreation centre currently listen and respond to customer and employee feedback? Are you still collecting feedback via a customer comment box? Do you only collect feedback through formal assessment instruments? Would you like to develop a culture where staff and customer feel comfortable providing feedback that is actually listened and responded to? We’ll share the steps we took to implement a “We’re Listening” campaign in the winter of 2017, how we’ve been responding to and closing the feedback loop with our customers and employees, and what we’ve learned along the way.