Block 3 – 11:30-12:30am – Friday November 3:

You Got Mad Skillz (Marc Iturriaga) – located in 133 Frank Kennedy

As Student Affairs professionals, often our focus on student staff development is more than preparing them for their Recreation role, but how are we intentionally providing our staff with transferable skills outside of the Rec Centre? Spend some time with MRU who have been developing a competency-based staffing model to ensure that students leave their Rec experience understanding the value of the skills they have developed.

Creating Successful Older Adult Programs Within a Campus Recreation Setting
(Alina Cress) – located in 136 Frank Kennedy

The Canadian population is getting older and the demand for high quality older adult fitness programs is on the rise. In this session, learn the fundamental principles behind older adult programming in a university recreation setting.  Presenter Alina Cress will use the UNB’s Silver Series – programs that are geared for older adults – for examples on how to create programs for various abilities, develop health forms, seek appropriate staff qualifications, develop marketing tools, and build stakeholder relationships.  This session will also highlight the benefit of intergenerational learning and demonstrate how older adult programs can enrich the campus recreation experience.

Growing Climbing in the Prairies
(Kori Cuthbert) – located in Active Living Centre Boardroom

“Winnipeg?! Where do you climb there?!” With the growing popularity of indoor climbing walls there are many things to consider on how to grow your climbing community especially in an area with a shortage of mountains. In this presentation, the successes and challenges will be outlined to provide valuable insight on how to grow a strong climbing community with an indoor climbing facility.