Block 4 –  2:00-3:00pm – Friday November 3:

Don’t Train Your Staff (Jay Gamey) – located in 133 Frank Kennedy

People don’t remember what you say, they remember how you made them feel. Reimagine staff training: teach people how to behave not what what to do. Let us show you how our language has driven positive performance and influences our culture.

Making Staff Development a Profitable Business Opportunity  
(Andrew Hvizd) – located in 136 Frank Kennedy

Making Staff Development a Profitable Business Opportunity is a look at how York University implemented the World Instructor Training School (W.I.T.S) Fitness Certification Program to recruit, identify and develop staff.  You will learn how they have turned this program into a profit centre that has improved hiring efficiency, increased caliber/capacity of student staff and advanced senior staff professional development.

Fit to Sit on Bona Fide Requirement for Practice
(Laura MacDonald) – located in Active Living Centre Boardroom

The psychomotor, cognitive, and affective aspects of functional fitness are integral to dental hygiene practice.  The School of Dental Hygiene (SDH), University of Manitoba (UM) collaborated with the Joe Doupe Active Living Center to offer a ‘fit to sit’ lab as a mandatory component of a SDH course. A fitness instructor created the lab which is held in conjunction with didactic SDH lectures on functional fitness and simulated activities with occupational therapy students. Recently, a physical assessment component has been added. Students graduate knowing health of self through fitness, occupational and physiotherapeutic lens contextual to dental hygiene practice.