Block 6 – 9:30-10:30am – Saturday November 4:

Closing the Gender Gap in Movement and Participation (Dean Kriellars) – located in 133 Frank Kennedy

Physical activity levels of females precipitously drop through puberty, concurrent with substantial recreation and sport participation drop off. Physical literacy assessments identify physical competence and psychological factors that are implicated in this reduction in active participation. It appears that the physical literacy positive feedback cycle (motor competence -> confidence -> motivation and enjoyment -> participation) is disrupted for females starting at ages of 6 to 8 as a form of society wide gender mistreatment. This may lead to both a reduction in active participation, and an increase in the risk of injury (reduced safety). Recreation has a substantial role to play to remediate this problem and suggestions are provided.

Inclusive Intramurals – Gender Expression & Identity in Competition
(Jason McManus) – located in 136 Frank Kennedy

The presentation will focus on UBC’s new Intramural Participation policy and specifically the use of a non-binary and fluid gender structure. Launched in September of 2017 presenters will reflect and share on the development process, the resources used and learning outcomes from the first few months.

Relevant Recreation Programming (Jhonaleen Ponce) – located in Multi-Purpose Studio 274

Participants will be introduced to the Rec and Read theoretical model which integrates Indigenous worldviews and positive youth development principles. We will review key barriers that impact youth participation and engagement as well as organizational challenges and opportunities that impact university-community outreach partnerships. Finally, we will share stories about successful practices that build on the strengths and aspirations of Indigenous and culturally diverse youth.