Block 8 – 12:00-1:00pm – Saturday November 4:

Changes to a Sport Club Program (Chelsea Jones) – located in 133 Frank Kennedy

An interactive learning experience that outlines the changes made to the U of R sport club administration, leadership training, and student development opportunities.

Re Creation: The Art of Conscious Recreation Through Pain
(Mario De Negri) – located in 136 Frank Kennedy

Pain comes in many forms and is subject to the perspective of the one who is looking at it. It can be described in many ways, however when it is felt it needs not be labeled. Pain is a universal experience we all share and take part in. Whether the pain comes in the form of a backache, an overwhelming and stressful workload, or a disagreement with how things could be done, fundamentally it is a form of resistance to what is. In training we use resistance to induce a form of pain and with proper practice we become more skilled in handling that form. Attendees will learn a new philosophy when addressing pain and will learn programming, which they already have within them to practice and train with. We will learn that what comes up before us, whatever the situation, can be met with grace and teaching. By improving ourselves through our process of pain we improve not only our direct experience with it but also the experience of those around us, and our environment we are in.

Non-traditional Intramurals – Esports
(Carter Gusway) – located in Active Living Centre Boardroom

An interactive look into the possibilities of providing non-traditional intramural sports through avenues such as Esports, while exploring the possibilities of reaching new student populations.